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| Sort by: PageRank | Hits | AlphabeticalStandard links Best-Boats24 buying and selling boats for sale, boat sales, second hand boats, new boats, used boats, powerboats, sail boats at the big boatmarket. www.best-boats24.net ~ Details
Mikelson Yachts in Southern California offers custom fishing yachts and luxury sportsfishers for sale. Website provides yacht inventory as well as news on local fishing events, boat shows and virtual gallery. www.mikelsonyachts.com ~ Details
Jetski discussion forum on numerous topics including Yamaha, Kawasaki, Sea-Doo, Tigershark, Polaris, Honda, Jet Ski Classifieds, Personal Watercraft Directory, news on racing and special events. www.canadianpwc.com ~ Details
Minn Kota Motors are world class trolling motors for anglers to use when fishing. www.minn-kota.com ~ Details
Boating discussion forum on numerous topics including sailboats and powerboats. Other Topics include trailers, fishing, watersports and Boat Safety. Submit your Boating Site to our Directory. www.boatforum.ca ~ Details
Small engine affixed to the bow or stern of an angler's boat that provides source of power for slowly trolling a lure or natural bait through water where fish are sought, or to allow for precision maneuvering of the boat so that the Angler can more effectively cast his bait to where the fish are located. www.trolling-motor.info ~ Details